Monday, September 12, 2011

Pre-K Behavior problems

Seemed like the students in my class today had a severe case of the Mondays... I tried to settle them down and this is when I realized how little I know about classroom management and disciplining students. I decided that looking for classroom management tips online would be a good start for this week's Resource Site.

The first website I found was Discipline by Design.

I learned a great deal about dealing with children. The tidbit that I found most beneficial was using "assertive I messages." This means getting children to behave by telling them "I need everyone to be quiet" or "I need everyone to take a seat." I'm hoping to use this one in class tomorrow. The site also mentioned a tactic I had forgotten from my schooling. FLIPPING LIGHT SWITCHES! Don't know why I hadn't thought of it earlier but it is definitely a great way to grab the attention of a bunch of rowdy munchkins.

I also checked out this video:

In the video they exposed the problems behind bribing children and negotiating. She also spoke about giving children ownership of their problems. One problem I am faced with quite frequently at school is sharing toys. I usually end up taking the toy away from both parties. The video explained how you can take the toy away and explain that they could get the toy back when they negotiated among themselves how they will share the toy. This allows the students to try to find a solution to their own problem.

I really hope these sources will help me manage the after school kids. I guess will figure out later down the line. :)

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